USL&H - Terms/Definitions
Longshoreman Insurance Hotline; Call (844) 667-6640 for questions.

Synopsis of Law
The Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act and its extensions, provide medical benefits, compensation for lost wages, and rehabilitation services to employees who are injured during the course of employment or contract an occupational disease related to employment. Survivor benefits also are provided if the work-related injury causes the employee's death.
Common Definitions
Admiralty – refers to the common law of the sea, enforced by the federal Courts. Seamen have certain rights and remedies against their employers under Admiralty Law, if injured on the job or during a voyage.
Jones Act – a federal law that extended the Federal Employer’s Liability Act (FELA) to give injured seamen the right to sue their employer in federal Admiralty courts for their work-related injuries.
Longshore – literally means “along the shore”. Refers to maritime employment, other than work as a seaman. Includes work building and repairing ships, loading and unloading ships, construction or repair of structures to enable waterborne commerce, and other work on or near navigable waters in support of waterborne commerce.
Maritime – generally means “pertaining to the sea”. In connection with the USL&H Act, “maritime” work means work that meets the “situs” and “status” tests, including building and repairing ships, loading and unloading ships, construction or repair of structures that enable waterborne commerce, and other work on or near navigable waters in support of waterborne commerce. Also references work in connection with the Jones Act.
Marina – a property or premises that provides waterfront facilities for recreational boating activities, typically launching, docking, storing, fueling and incidental servicing of boats.
MEL – “Marine Employer's Liability” coverage, often provided under a P & I policy or monoline, to protect the employer against his liabilities under the Jones Act and Admiralty law for injury to his employed seamen. Known as “Maritime Coverage” when provided as an endorsement to a Workers’ Compensation Insurance Policy.
Navigable water – a body of water or waterway which enables travel (in any size vessel) from one state to another or to the Gulf of Mexico or to an ocean.
Political subdivision – is a unit of the federal or any state, county, or municipal government, or an agency established by one of them, such as a water district, or school district, or a recreational district.
Situs – having “situs” means the work is on or adjacent to navigable waters.
Status – having “status” means the work is generally “maritime” in character, unless specifically excluded in the Longshore and Harbor Workers Act. Work as an employee of a political subdivision is also excluded.
Seaman – a maritime employee who works on a “vessel”, contributes to the functioning of the “vessel” and the accomplishment of its mission, and has a connection to the vessel or a commonly owned group of vessels. The general working precedent is that an employee needs to spend at least 30% of their time on this vessel or group of vessels to be considered a “seaman”.
USL&H – means the United States Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act, a federal law in many respects like any state’s Workers’ Compensation law, except that it only applies to employers and employees engaged in maritime work.
Vessel – is a ship, boat, barge, or navigable work platform of any size.
Marine Insurance Terminology
This is a general guide only, individual circumstances and policy forms vary.

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